• Access Control with Bluetooth

    Learn more about using your Bluetooth enabled devices as a means of access control verification

  • Physical Access Control

    Learn more about how ACE Facilities can improve your electronic security system

  • Access Control

    Learn more about the different access control solutions from ACE Facilities

Access Control

What is access control?

Access Control is a term in the security industry that generally refers to an electronic method of controlling a locking mechanism for example, on a door, gate or turnstiles etc that secures the ingress and egress into an area.

We specialise in physical types of security access control. These are electronic security systems that are designed to limit access to buildings, facilities, rooms, cupboards, car parks, zones or any secured area that needs controlling.

The main reason for installing an access control system is usually to secure physical access to your buildings, facilities or assets etc. You wish to control and log who is entering which area and when they did so, but you may want the system to do more than that. Perhaps you wish it to enforce a time regime when people can arrive, or check the employment / membership status.

An access control system can do this and so much more for you. Furthermore, the cost of installing and operating a system is probably much less than you think. Certainly it is a more efficient way of granting access than issuing a traditional bunch of keys or a combination lock.

Why using keys is not good for security:

  • Keys get lost

    When a key gets lost or stollen, the lock (or locks) need replacing at great cost and inconvenience to ensure that the lost key can’t be misused. Of course new keys then need to be distributed to each person who needs access to that door or doors.

  • Managing keys is difficult and risky

    If someone needs to enter many different buildings and rooms, they’ll need a large number of keys, which are inconvenient to carry and use. It can be difficult to remember which key is for which door, but it’s too much of a security risk to label them.

  • Keys do not leave any record of activity

    Each time a key is used to access a room or area, you cannot see the date, time or who it was that used it. Indeed, you don’t actually know if anyone has actually entered or left at all. The use of access control means that there is a record of all activity.

Access control uses an ‘identification token’ which commonly is in the form of a proximity ID card or a key fob. However the method of identification can now also be a Bluetooth device, for example a mobile phone or a watch.

This identifier is presented by an authorised person close to an adjacent reading device to release a locking mechanism or open a gate. If they are not authorised the system will simply deny them access, no locks will open or gates will remain closed.

Installing access control instead of traditional locks means that there is no need to change any locks if a key gets lost, stolen or compromised. If someone does loose their form of identifier, you can simply log into the management system, remove it from the ‘authorised list’ and issue a new identifier to that person.

Additionally, if a lost or un-authorised identifier is presented at any reader, the system can be programmed to record or alert the operator to that activity.

Improve your security and more…

By using an access control system, you will avoid the many issues of using traditional keys and combination locks. You will gain so much more security, peace of mind and in some cases health and safety knowing what is happening, or has happened in your building.

You will be able to manage:

  • Who has access

    You may wish, for example, to only permit automatic access to employees or members. As opposed to visitors and contractors who you wish to report on arrival to a specific person or reception desk to sign in or make themselves know.

  • Which doors people have access to

    You may only wish some people to enter certain areas. For example, you only want full time vetted staff to be allowed into your stock rooms.

  • What times people can access areas

    Perhaps you need to permit temporary staff or sub-contractors from only be allowed access during their standard shift period, whereas full time employed staff can enter the building at any time.

  • Under which conditions people are allowed access

    For example, on the grounds of health and safety, you may wish to only permit suitably trained and certified staff to any technical areas.

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Why should you consider ACE for your access control?

Where many companies may just supply the electronic access control solution, we are experienced specialists in supplying and maintaining the full package.

By this we mean the doors (with or without automation), locks, turnstiles, speed gates, traffic barriers, etc.

As experienced automation and integrations specialists, we understand how important it is to our customers to have a one company solution maintaining the whole system, not just pieces of it.

We install and maintain multiple different brands of access control systems, such as Paxton and Salto for example. However our teams are highly experienced with many more brands of electronic control locking methods that are connected to these systems.

If you are considering having a security Access Control System installed at your premises or if you wish to have your existing system repaired or serviced, please contact us to arrange a friendly, no obligation survey.